All topper products that are created to fit Otero style frames.
Autumn Brows & More
Awareness Ribbons
Blank Standards with magnets glued in place
Blank Standards without Magnets
Can anyone say "It's PI Day!"?
Color Toppers or Brows
Five Brows
Glitter Sets
Go Boldly...
Green St. Patrick's Day Toppers
Happy Birthday
Happy New Year!
May the Fourth
Metallics and Jewel Tones
Otero-Compatible STL Files
Otero-Compatible Toppers with magnets attached
Otero-Compatible Toppers without magnets
Pick a pack of purples
Polka Dots
Rainbows and Blends - each topper is multi-colored
School Spirit Stripes - Team Colors Black and Gold
School Spirit Stripes - Team Colors Blue and Gold
School Spirit Stripes - Team Colors Blue and White
School Spirit Stripes - Team Colors Green and White