BLACK FRIDAY SALE!!!! Buy One Ten Pack - Get One Ten Pack free (put both items in Cart to receive discount}
All topper products that are created to fit Finley style frames.
Autumn Brows & More
Awareness Ribbons
Blank Standards with magnets glued in place
Blank Standards without Magnets
Can anyone say "It's PI Day!"?
Color Toppers or Brows
Fancy Eyes
Finley-Compatible STL Files
Finley-Compatible Toppers with magnets attached
Finley-Compatible Toppers without magnets
Five Brows
Glitter Sets
Go Boldly...
Green St. Patrick's Day Toppers
Happy Birthday
Happy New Year!
Limited Clearance
May the Fourth
Metallics and Jewel Tones
Pick a pack of purples
Polka Dots
Rainbows and Blends - each topper is multi-colored
School Spirit Stripes - Team Colors Black and Gold
School Spirit Stripes - Team Colors Blue and Gold