All topper products that are created to fit Murphy style frames.
Awareness Ribbons
Blank Standards with magnets glued in place
Blank Standards with Magnets in a bag
Glitter Sets
Happy Birthday Colors
Murphy-Compatible STL Files
Murphy-Compatible Toppers with magnets attached
New Style SVG files for download
Polka Dots
Singing the Blues
Ten Pack of Blanks with Magnets Affixed
The Brows (top half toppers) With Magnets Affixed
The Brows (top half toppers) with magnets in a bag
The Grandes With Magnets Affixed
The Grandes with Magnets in a bag
The Owl Eyes and Owlets (with magnets in a bag)
The Owlets and Owl Eyes (with magnets attached)
Winged toppers With Magnets Affixed
Winged toppers with magnets in a bag